Course Description
Lesson 1-Adding the Developer Toolbar00:05:00
Lesson 2-Understanding the VBA Editor00:11:00
Lesson 3-Recording a Macro in Personal00:10:00
Lesson 4-Understanding the Elements of the VBA Language00:07:00
Lesson 5-Understanding Methods00:05:00
Lesson 6-Understanding Comments00:06:00
Lesson 7-Working with the Range Property and Worksheet Object00:07:00
Lesson 8-Adding a Macro Button to a Spreadsheet00:03:00
Lesson 9-Working with the ActiveCell Object00:02:00
Lesson 10-Working with the Offset Property00:08:00
Lesson 1-Understanding Variables00:07:00
Lesson 2-Working with Integer Variables00:03:00
Lesson 3-Understanding Option Explicit00:05:00
Lesson 4-Working with Other Variable Types00:07:00
Lesson 1-Working with IF Statements00:04:00
Lesson 2-Working with ELSE00:03:00
Lesson 3-Working with ELSEIF00:03:00
Lesson 4-Understanding Conditional Operators00:06:00
Lesson 5-Working with NOT, AND, and OR00:07:00
Lesson 6-Working with Nested IF00:04:00
Lesson 7-Working with Select Case00:06:00
Lesson 8-Working with WITH and END WITH00:05:00
Lesson 1-Working with Text Strings00:05:00
Lesson 2-Working with LCASE and UCASE Functions00:05:00
Lesson 3-Working with LEN and TRIM Functions00:07:00
Lesson 4-Working with LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions00:07:00
Lesson 1-Understanding Loops00:02:00
Lesson 2-Working with For Next Loops00:07:00
Lesson 3-Working with For Each Loops00:06:00
Lesson 4-Working with Cells Property00:08:00
Lesson 5-Working with Do Until Loops00:09:00
Lesson 6-Working with Do While Loops00:05:00
Lesson 1-Calling Sub Procedures00:05:00
Lesson 2-Working with Exit Sub00:04:00
Lesson 3-Working with Message Boxes00:08:00
Lesson 4-Working with Input Boxes00:08:00
Lesson 5-Working with VBA Functions00:12:00
Lesson 6-Working with Object Variable and Set00:06:00
Lesson 1-Understanding and Creating a User Form00:08:00
Lesson 2-Adding Controls to a User Form00:16:00
Lesson 3-Adding Code for a User Form00:10:00
Lesson 4-Launching a User Form from Excel00:05:00
Lesson 1-Getting Started with Debugging00:10:00
Lesson 2-Stepping Through Your Code00:06:00
Lesson 3-Working with Breakpoints00:03:00
Lesson 4-Working with the Immediate Window00:05:00
Lesson 5-Working with the Locals Window00:05:00
Lesson 6-Working with the Err Object00:06:00
Lesson 7-Getting Help-v200:07:00
Resource – Excel 365 VBA Expert
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