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Now learning and earning will go side by side! Refer your friends and earn £50 on each successful enrolment. The more you refer the more you can earn. It can be £500++ or more.

Become an Affiliate

How Affiliate Marketing Program Works

Register to the referral program

Invite your friends using your email & referral code

Your friend make payment & you earn £50

Get Unique Code

Your friend use your referral code and get flat 5% discount

You receive your earnings

Register to the referral program

Get Unique Code

Invite your friends using your email & referral code

Your friend use your referral code and get flat 05% discount

Your friend make payment & you earn £50

You receive your earnings

Register to the referral program

Get Unique Code

Invite your friends using your email & referral code

Your friend use your referral code and get flat 05% discount

Your friend make payment & you earn £50

You receive your earnings

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GBP Pound sterling

Become an Affiliate