Course Description
This Adobe Photoshop CC Introduction is designed to introduce you to the Photoshop environment and some of the basic skills you will need to be able to do anything you want to do with Photoshop. You will explore a collection of tools that will get you started with your photo correction and editing. Although you will not use these tools on every picture, these will be the ones you turn to most often.
You will be able to use various techniques for selecting in order to edit and retouch images. Learn to prepare images for including in a web site or for including in printed documents. Learn to edit images using the painting tools, clone stamp and drawing tools. Learn to create new images using the pen tool and the drawing and painting tools. You will be able to create and edit images using layers.
On completion this course you will understand how to print, convert color modes, and export to other file types.
What Will I Learn?
- Get an Introduction to the Photoshop Environment
- Customize the Workspace
- Work with Layers
- Understand Selections
- Understand and Use Color
- Use Adjustment Layers
- Crop Images
- Move and Transform Pixels
- Add Text and Text Styles
- Apply Special Effects
- Export from Photoshop
- Basic Computer Skills
Who is the target audience?
- Students who want to be introduced to Photoshop, a robust photo editing program.
Introduction to Photoshop
00:05:00 -
Understanding Types of Documents
00:04:00 -
Understanding Resolution
00:04:00 -
Creating New Documents
00:06:00 -
Using Artboards
00:05:00 -
Using CC Templates
00:03:00 -
Utilizing the Search Feature
Using Workspace Presets
00:02:00 -
Moving, Closing, and Opening Panels
00:06:00 -
Understanding Document Views
00:06:00 -
Using the History Panel
Why Layers
00:02:00 -
Using Layers
00:07:00 -
Creating Fill Layers
00:05:00 -
Applying Blending Modes
00:04:00 -
Using Layer Styles
00:05:00 -
Discovering the Properties Panel
Creating Basic Selections
00:09:00 -
Using the Lasso Tools
00:08:00 -
Understanding the Quick Select Tools
00:07:00 -
Editing the Quick Mask
00:04:00 -
Saving Selections
00:04:00 -
Moving Selections to
Understanding Color Modes
00:10:00 -
Creating Swatches
Applying Layer Masks
00:04:00 -
Deleting Layer Masks
00:01:00 -
Organizing Layers
00:03:00 -
Merging Layers
00:02:00 -
Flattening Layers
00:02:00 -
Working with Layer Comps
Using Image Adjustments
00:07:00 -
Understanding Adjustment Layers
00:10:00 -
Using Layer Masks with Adjustment Layers
Using the Crop Tool
00:05:00 -
Using the Crop Tool to Add Canvas
Using Free Transform
00:04:00 -
Working with Other Transform Options
00:03:00 -
Flipping Pixels
Using the Type Tool
00:10:00 -
Discovering Typesetting
00:08:00 -
Formatting Text
00:09:00 -
Creating Type on a Path
00:03:00 -
Warping Type
00:03:00 -
Using Styles on Type
Using Layer Styles
00:05:00 -
Working with Patterns
00:03:00 -
Applying Filters
00:04:00 -
Creating Pixels with Filters
Printing in Photoshop
00:03:00 -
Converting to CMYK
00:04:00 -
Converting to Other File Types
00:13:00 -
Using File Info
Course Recap
Resources – Adobe Photoshop CC Introduction
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