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Vietnamese Idioms & Phrases

Course Description

What Will I Learn?

  • Use various Vietnamese phrases to communicate with locals
  • Use Vietnamese phrases to get out of difficult situations with locals
  • Use Vietnamese phrases to speak politely to locals
  • Use Vietnamese phrases to greet, exchange names, and other basic information with locals
  • Use Vietnamese phrases to get around while visiting the country on vacation


  • Some basic Vietnamese
  • The Vietnamese tones and alphabet


In Vietnamese Idioms & Phrases you will learn colloquial and very natural phrases to use when visiting the country on vacation or while living in Vietnam as an expat.

All of the phrases in the course are useful from the moment you step foot in Vietnam and will be understood by the locals as they are phrases and idioms that are used everyday by native Vietnamese speakers.

In the course you will learn:

1. Phrases to meet and greet locals

2. Idioms to express various thoughts, ideas, and feelings

3. Traditional sayings and proverbs

4. Phrases to help you get around the country

5. Phrases to help get you out of troublesome situations that sometimes arise

6. Phrases to generally communicate effectively while visiting or living in Vietnam

I have helped hundreds of students like you improve their Vietnamese by using the same methods I used when first beginning to study the language over ten years ago.

If you are serious about learning Vietnamese or just want to have some useful phrases ready for your brief visit to the country (and be able to pronounce them correctly), Vietnamese Phrases & Idioms will help you achieve your learning goals.

See you in the course!

Who is the target audience?

  • Vietnamese language learners

  • video The Importance of Learning Vietnamese Phrases

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This course includes:
01 Year of full Course access
13 Units
0 Quiz
1 hour, 22 minutes of total Unit + Quiz duration
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