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PSR METHOD COURSE (Presentation Skills and Reading)

Course Description

PSR stands for Presentation, Skills, and reading. PSR method is one of the most innovative strategies for verbal communication that will help you to become a successful creator of voiceovers. The PSR METHOD COURSE (Presentation Skills and Reading) is devoted to PSR methods and guides you to create your excellent voiceovers that will appeal to other.

Do you want to create voiceovers? Or want to engage your listeners? Then the course is designed for you. The course will teach you how to make a compelling voiceover that can help you to grab the attention of the listeners and also helps you to earn more.  Throughout the course, you will learn what to do before a recording, how to prepare yourself for recording, find out the metal commas, how to control your pace, Red Flag Words, finally, what to do after the recording the voiceover.

We communicate to share information. But the problem is most of the people will not listen to the lengthy discussion. The purpose of the course is to guide you to apply the effective delivery of words. After completing the course, you will be able to control your voice as a musician controls his musical instruments.

In a matter of hours, you will see a radical change in the way you deliver words.

People study for years to qualify for their chosen profession and then gain experience in the work place. They can now be considered experts. However, there is something missing – none of us were taught a communication technique (set of rules) at school, we were simply taught to string words together.

The PSR Method changes your speech pattern from instinct to technique, enabling people to become more aware of the way they speak, learn how to control their voice and the way words are delivered.

Without a technique, we are left to use our instinct.

Dictionary definition:

instinct /in’stingkt’/ n.

The innate aspect of behaviour that is unlearned.

In other words you are making up your own rules; you’re ‘guessing’.

On the other hand, it describes technique /tek-neek/ as follows:

  1. A set of specific rules which determine the degree of excellence.
  2. The degree of skill or command of fundamentals exhibited in any performance.

Instead of us telling you how effective this course is, let’s leave it to those who have already done the course……

“The Hudson Voice Technique is powerful structured technique that teaches to use your voice like a precision tool to convey emotion and conviction, draw your listener in, and enhance memory retention. This is an essential part of your influencing toolkit.”
Mike Clayton, Business Speaker and Author

“This course is hands on, You start improving how you read and apply your voice in the first 20 min. You are given the tools and all you need to do is apply, compare and practice.”
Tania Ras-Devereux

“I will be forever more mindful of the way I speak when doing presentations and my podcast. In a little over 2 hours I have learned enough to change the way I speak forever. Thank you for a great course.”
Nolan Collins

“This course delivers exactly what it says it will. At the beginning of the course you are asked to record a number of lines to the best of your ability so you can compare it with what you sound like at the end. I was skeptical about how much I was improving during the course… I mean, sure, I learned some good advice but I didn’t feel any huge improvement.

Then I recorded the final readings and compared them to my firsts and wow… mind blown!

This course gives basic advice and intriguing explanations for how to improve your voice while reading a script that has monumental results. …All in all this is a course where the results speak for themselves and I highly suggest it.”
Malcolm Tolman

“I really enjoyed this course. I found that his method makes it very easy to analyze the most complex blocks of reading and devise how to get through it — all on the fly! Great job. Totally worth my time and money!”
Kenneth Gonzales

What you will learn:

  • How to control your pace – most of us talk too fast – especially when nervous or under pressure
  • Use the three vital rules at the end of a sentence – Sound more confident and decisive
  • How to pitch a script – add immense power to presentations
  • Control the tone of you voice – become a more dynamic public speaker
  • Recognise ‘Red Flag Words’ – boost the impact on the audience
  • How to read a script – 95% perfect, first take, without rehearsal.

How it works:

  • Before you start the lessons, we ask you to record some scripts to establish your stating point.
    Keep these scripts in a folder.
  • Go through the lessons. Although the video will be a certain amount of time, you will be asked to read and record during the lessons.
    Keep these recordings for yourself so you can listen back to them to criticise your work.
  • Once you’ve gone through all the lessons, we ask you to practise for about a week, combining the lessons.
  • When you are happy with your progress, we ask you to record the same scripts you read before you started the course.
    Place these in the folder you created and where you placed your ‘Before Recordings’.
  • Send the Before and After recordings to us and Steve will assess your progress.
  • If he is satisfied you have mastered what you’ve been taught, he will send you your Voicemaster Diploma.

You will be provided with a work booklet which we ask you to print before you start. There is also the option of reading certain scripts on-screen, just like an autocue/teleprompter.

  • video Before Recordings
  • video Golden Rules
  • video Find the Mental Commas
  • video Control your pace
  • video Red Flag Words
  • video After Recordings

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Original price was: £329.00.Current price is: £25.00.


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01 Year of full Course access
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