Course Description
So, here we are again… another year, another opportunity to DO more, BE more, HAVE more… but lets look back at last year (and the year before, and the year before that)… did you or have you managed to achieve any of the goals on your list? Do you even MAKE “lists”, or do you just kind of wait for “life” to happen to you? Has it been ‘happening’ to you in the way that you want?
This course is for all of those people out there who want to make a CHANGE this year! OR who want to make a difference!! Now, ALTHOUGH I keep saying ‘this year’ – this is because this course was creatd on 1st Jan 2017… but your ‘year’ can begin at any time… 1st June, 1st September, on your birthday… it doesnt really matter… All that matters, is that you MARK THIS DAY as the day that you turned your life around… and everything started to look up!
Am I a motivation coach and speaker? No. Am I here to tell you how rubbish you are and to promise that I have the answer to all of lifes mysteries and ills? No. I am simply someone, who believes that LIFE is about CHOICES. We all have 24 hours in a day, and how we choose to SPEND those hours, minutes, seconds… is how we came to be in the position that we are in today… maybe it was deliberate, or maybe you’ve kind of just wandered and floated up unto this point. What I can assure you, is that this course is all about the science / art of intention and of DELIBERATE CREATION. Together, you and I are going to create the PLAN for the next 12 months ahead. And then I’m going to show you how you break this plan down, right into day-to-day actions, that will take you in the direction that you want to go in.
No more wandering about. No more pontificating. No more pro-crastinating! No more ‘thinking’… this is all about DO-ing. Have you ever looked at someone and been envious? I want their life! How to they do that? What are they DOING that I’m not?? Could it be that they have a master plan, that they’re following? Could it be that they have tuned into what they want, and set about going to get it? I remember when I was 16, and one of the first waitiressing jobs I had was with a company called Peoples Network UK. The lady who ran it (Rita) said to me “You have to grab life by the balls Lisa, and shake it for all its got!!!” About 1 month later, she was dead. Tragic drink-driving car accident. But those words never left me. All you’ve got to do… it just GRAB LIFE by the balls!!! And I’m proud to say, almost 20 years later… I’m doing just that!
The methodology I’m about to lay out to you was the reason for 2015 being ‘the year of travel’….I went to around 10 countries that year. I set the intention… and off I went. 2016 was the year of completion – financial results. This year 2018, will be the year of relationships. Just watch this space. 2018 is numerologically a year of relationships 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. Look up life path number 2. So, I invite you, my friend and student, to join me on a journey, whereby together, we reflect, and then we set the intention – and make the next 12 months your most successful EVER!
Note – when your life starts to change and everyone wonders what happened to you?? … Please share this course with them! Thank-you in advance!
This is not new-age science or mysticism. This is solid, tangible, measureable life-changing material, which you can use over and over again, to get the results you want, and not just dream about.
Who is the target audience?
- Progressive people, self-starters, those who want to get somewhere in life – achievers!
What Will I Learn?
- Create and manifest the best ever year of their life – a process they’ll be able to repeat at intervals (annually, monthly, seasonally), and just create the life they know, want and deserve!
- Student will need a glass of red wine and a nice quiet place for 3-4 hours to seriously think about their life – and where they want it to go
Introduction to the course and your tutor GP
00:10:00 -
What to expect by the end of this course
Looking backwards remembering the good times
00:04:00 -
Reflecting on the things that didn’t quite go so well
00:03:00 -
Important question (3) What did you LEARN?
00:15:00 -
How do I limit myself and how can I stop?
00:17:00 -
How do you want to be remembered? Living with integrity
00:03:00 -
What are your current responsibilities?
00:05:00 -
00:09:00 -
What do you want to happen? What are your goals?
00:06:00 -
Narrowing it down to the Top 10 Goals
00:04:00 -
Making It Happen! What/Who do you need?
Know yourself!
00:12:00 -
Time Management Breakdown
00:11:00 -
Alternatives Goal Mapping
00:05:00 -
Vision Boards
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