Course Description
Want to know how to transfer books to Kindle and make money in the process?
The [course_title] course designed for the individuals who want to learn all the myths, fables, rules and reviews about what it takes to write and publish a book. Initially, you will receive step by step guideline to start writing a book. The course will show you an astonishingly easy way, where you will get ideas for writing and have a book to share. Explore more about layout and formatting, following with learning a few fundamental text-formatting rules that will enable you to transform the pages of your script into a final book that looks attractive and professional.
Last but not the least, you will learn how the technology of the iPhone can be effectively used to get your book started.
What Will I Learn?
- Will know that they can actually write and share a book of their thoughts and ideas in a simple but powerful way.
- How to cultivate and live with a writer’s “state of mind.” that give us the power and confidence to achieve our goals.
- Know that you are not going to write a book as much as you are going to perform your story and solutions so a book can be written.
- Learn how the technology of the iPhone can be effectively used to get the book, your book, started.
- You will start to claim the term writer and enjoy the fun of being a book writer.
- They will need to have some idea of what they want to achieve in their life and business.
Who is the target audience?
- Starting now, in life and business, your book will be your business card and your broadcast will be your brochure, so every aspiring professional and anyone who has had in any way an inclination that ,”perhaps I should try to write a book”.
- If you are not willing to be challenged in your ideas and beliefs you should not take this course because all of Stan Hustad’s courses contain new and creative information combined with challenging ideas and a call to accept and take action on tough challenges.
Introduction to Creating Your First Book00:03:00
How To Start To Write Your First Book – Stan Hustad00:08:00
How To Make This Idea Work For You!00:13:00
Our State of Mind Matters … a lot!00:15:00
A Writer Is a Capturer … How To Do That! copy00:13:00
You Are a Writer – Tools of The Trade – Power of The iPhone copy00:16:00
Ready Set Run! copy00:10:00
Start With Why, Who & What When Writing Your First Book copy00:12:00
Image & Cover Matter – Keep your Energy Level High copy00:10:00
This Is For You – Teach & Write -To Change the World! copy00:08:00
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