Course Description
Sharpen your PowerPoint skills by learning 6 concrete techniques that turn wordy PowerPoint slides into visual layouts. The more professional-looking your slides are, the easier it will be for you to present your information and get your audience to take action on your content.
Here is what you’ll learn inside the course:
#1. Thinking in Groups & Categories: The fastest way to not only create visually pleasing slides, but also make your content easier to present. This is a great technique you can always fall back on when faced with wordy PowerPoint slides.
#2. The 10x Layout Technique: Discover how to quickly turn any long list of text you have into a visual layout using our 10x Layout Technique. This is especially useful if you are short on time and have no idea where to get started with your slides.
#3. Thinking in Hierarchies and Flow Processes: Learn how to quickly set yourself up for a hierarchy or flow process in PowerPoint, and learn new ways to walk your audience through it.
#4. Teasing Out Visual Elements: Learn how to tease out visual elements from almost any list of bullet points. There is almost ALWAYS something visual you can use, and I show you the most common elements people overlook when building their slides.
#5. The Mix & Match Technique: Learn how to mix and match the different techniques in this course to create more sophisticated visual layouts for your presentations. As you will see, there is an almost unlimited number of ways you can present your information.
#6. Starting Almost Any Slide Over from Scratch: Discover a PowerPoint trick that even the PowerPoint team didn’t know about. This allows you to recreate almost any slide layout you receive in just a few clicks.
#1. Thinking in Groups & Categories
00:05:00 -
#2. The 10x Layout Technique
00:05:00 -
#3. Hierarchies & Flow Processes
00:04:00 -
#4: Teasing Out Visual Elements
00:04:00 -
#5. Mix & Match Technique
00:04:00 -
#6. Starting Over (The Fast Way)
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