Course Description
Unit 1: Welcome to the Copywriting Course00:05:00
Unit 2: Course Overview00:04:00
Unit 1: What is Copywriting00:05:00
Unit 2: Elements of Great Copy00:11:00
Unit 3: Traditional vs Modern Copywriting00:04:00
Unit 4: Career Options for Copywriters00:12:00
Unit 5: Job Description and Responsibilities of a Copywriter00:06:00
Unit 6: Copywriting vs Content Writing: The Difference00:04:00
Unit 1: What is a Short Form Copy00:03:00
Unit 2: What is a Long Form Copy00:02:00
Unit 3: Types of Tones Used for Writing Copy00:06:00
Unit 4: Which Types of Tone You Should Use00:07:00
Unit 5: Identifying the Target Audience00:06:00
Unit 6: Qualities That Will Make You a Successful Copywriter00:06:00
Unit 1: The Secret to Understand Buyer’s Mindset00:04:00
Unit 2: Never Make Your Copy Look Like an Ad00:06:00
Unit 3: 2 Second Hack to Become a Successful Copywriter00:05:00
Unit 4: Features vs Benefits00:04:00
Unit 5: The Shocking Truth about Buyers & Customers00:04:00
Unit 6: So What Test00:05:00
Unit 7: FOMO: How to Use This Most Powerful Marketing Tool00:08:00
Unit 8: What’s in It for Me00:04:00
Unit 9: The Secret to Sell Instantly00:05:00
Unit 10: Leveraging the Power of Emotions00:04:00
Unit 1: Steps in the Copywriting Process00:08:00
Unit 2: Understand the Product00:06:00
Unit 3: Performing Competitor Analysis00:12:00
Unit 4: Create a Buyer Persona / Customer Avatar00:06:00
Unit 5: Writing the copy00:01:00
Unit 6: Editing the Copy00:02:00
Unit 7: Adding Design Elements + Media00:07:00
Unit 8: Publish the Copy + Promotion00:02:00
Unit 9: Checking the Conversion from Copy – Measuring Results00:03:00
Unit 1: AIDA: The 4 Step Formula00:05:00
Unit 2: Storytelling: Best Tool for Converting Readers into Buyers00:05:00
Unit 3: 3 STEP Formula: PAS00:06:00
Unit 1: Section Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Intro to Headlines00:07:00
Unit 3: Importance of Headlines00:03:00
Unit 4: Formula to Write Amazing Headlines (Everytime)00:09:00
Unit 5: How to Use This Formula (With Examples)00:02:00
Unit 6: Free Tool to Create Attractive Headlines00:03:00
Unit 7: Practice Exercise00:01:00
Unit 1: Section Intro00:02:00
Unit 2: Headline Hack # 100:01:00
Unit 3: Headline Hack # 200:02:00
Unit 4: Headline Hack # 300:02:00
Unit 5: Headline Hack # 400:04:00
Unit 6: Headline Hack # 500:02:00
Unit 7: Headline Hack # 600:03:00
Unit 8: Quick Recap00:01:00
Unit 1: Creating Call to Actions (CTA) That Reader’s Cannot Resist00:04:00
Unit 2: Focus on the Customer00:06:00
Unit 3: How to Write a Conversational Copy00:03:00
Unit 1: Collect Winning Pieces00:04:00
Unit 2: 3 Extremely Powerful Words That You Must Use in a Copy00:02:00
Unit 3: Using Customer’s Words00:05:00
Unit 1: Recreate Ads00:01:00
Unit 2: Record Your Copy00:02:00
Unit 1: Conclusion00:01:00
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