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The Importance Of Breakfast


The importance of breakfast should never be taken for granted as the energy that provides for optimal mental and physical health starts with a good healthy breakfast plan.


Breakfast is a good way to get the body’s system awake and off to a good working start as it helps to refuel the body after the long rest.

It has been noted that children who eat breakfast tend to eat healthier overall and are more likely to participate in physical activities and are mentally alert, thus allowing the child the opportunity for healthy growth.

Skipping breakfast can usually cause the child to be irritable, tired, restless and basically distracted and unable to get both their body and mind in sync to get through the day effectively and productively. The mood and energy levels will usually drop by mid-morning if there is no proper breakfast intake daily.

Being one of the ideal ways to kick-start the mind and body, breakfast also contributes to the healthy body metabolism rate that allows the body to process and convert the foods into fuel for the energy required for optimal function throughout the day.

When the metabolism rate gets moving, the body will then be able to start burning the calories effectively thus decreasing the likelihood of fat build-ups within the body system.

It has been noted that children who are not consistent with the regiment of nutritional breakfast intake generally frequently snack

on unhealthy foods during the day, thus causing them to become overweight easily.

Choosing breakfast food that is rich in whole grains, fibre and protein while at the same time low in added sugar will help to boost the child’s attention span, concentration, and memory retention processes, all of which are a crucial element for being able to focus and absorb what is being taught in school.

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