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Award in Education and Training Level 3 Workshop Objectives

On completion of four units, learners will have demonstrated that they are able to:

  • Understand the teacher’s role and legislative requirements
  • Understand appropriate teaching and learning approaches
  • Demonstrate session planning skills • Deliver and reflect on learning
  • Understand and justify the use of assessment methods and reasons for keeping records of assessment records

How will this be assessed?

Assessment will be by assignment and observation. Learners will be expected to produce assignments that demonstrate an understanding of the roles of Teachers. The assignments must be linked to the learner’s area of expertise with the relevant teaching methodology.

Assessment Strategy

Learners need to satisfactorily complete all parts of each assignment, in line with requirements for level 3 in order to pass. Assessment results for each assignment and for the Award are either Pass or Referred. Assessments are not graded.

Learners have to achieve all assessment criteria for each learning outcome in order to pass. As this is a level 3 qualification, all candidates will be expected to demonstrate:

  • Clear links between theory and practice
  • Use of accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • Clear expression of ideas and arguments

Will I have to carry out any teaching?

Learners should be involved in at least one hour of microteaching (i.e. teaching others following the programme) The learner must deliver at least one 15 minute microteaching session which should be observed and assessed by a member of the delivery team.

This micro teaching should be a group, or at least 3 learners and enable the trainee teachers to use some basic methodologies and, where appropriate, a degree of differentiation.

For the additional 45 minutes, candidates can either deliver additional microteaching sessions (which could be to a group or an individual) or observe the microteaching sessions of other learners.

Award in Education and Training Rules of Combination

Rules of Combination Level 3

To be awarded this qualification, the learner must achieve a total of 12 credits. 3 Credits from mandatory Group A, 6 credits from optional Group B and the remaining 3 credits from optional Group C

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