Course Description
What Will I Learn?
Throughout the course, you will be taught via online videos that have both voices over and subtitles to just pure ASL on its own. This is to increase your receptive and productive skills when conversing with a Deaf person or someone who uses ASL. There are also PDF documents to download so you can track the scripts and keep tabs on your progress. The topics that will be covered are the following: – Alphabet, Spelling & Names, Introductions, Family & Rooms in the House, Animals, Numbers, Money & Time, Time & Weather, Transport & Directions, Interests & Hobbies, Food & Drink.
- No prior knowledge needed
American Sign Language (ASL) is a richly expressive system of manual communication used by Deaf Americans and Canadians. This Level 1 Certificate in American Sign Language will be helpful to them who wish to communicate in sign in their personal lives, as well as those who wish to explore vocational opportunities in services to people who are Deaf. Formal signs, finger-spelling, pantomime gestures, facial expressions, body movements and speech will be used to convey meaning in ordinary conversation. This Level 1 Certificate in American Sign Language will introduce you via video to the sign alphabet, names, animals, numbers, places and much more. From ordering in a restaurant to getting around, this course is the go-to guide to help you get communicating in sign language. So, enhance your communication skills by getting this course.
Who is the target audience?
Anyone who is interested in learning American Sign Language. This could be because you have Deaf members of the family, have Deaf or Hearing Impaired colleagues and you want to have a signed conversation with them. You could also be looking to enhance your skills and use this new language as a tool to help you in your career or help you in your existing job.
Alphabet with text
00:02:00 -
alphabet without text
00:01:00 -
Letter test without text
00:02:00 -
Letter test with text
00:02:00 -
Finger spelling names without text
00:02:00 -
Finger spelling names with text
00:02:00 -
More Names without text
00:02:00 -
More names with text
00:04:00 -
Phrase test
00:01:00 -
Family Vocabulary
00:02:00 -
Question forms
00:01:00 -
Short story – receptive skill practice without text
00:02:00 -
Short story recap with text
00:02:00 -
Rooms in the house vocabulary
00:01:00 -
Animal phrase test without text
00:01:00 -
Animal phrase test reply with text
00:01:00 -
Animal phrase test 2 No text
00:01:00 -
Animal phase test 2 replay with text
Numbers 1 to 20
00:03:00 -
Number test and extra numbers
00:03:00 -
Number test 2
00:02:00 -
Money signs
00:02:00 -
Time and months
00:04:00 -
Mixed Number test
00:03:00 -
Mixed number test 2
00:02:00 -
Mixed number test 3
00:03:00 -
Using numbers for duplication
Story receptive practice – no text
00:02:00 -
Story receptive replay with text
00:02:00 -
Weather vocabulary
00:01:00 -
Weather phrase test without text
00:01:00 -
Weather phrase replay with text
00:01:00 -
Story receptive practice – no text
00:01:00 -
Story receptive replay with text
Transport Vocabulary
00:01:00 -
Transport phrases
00:01:00 -
Direction vocabulary
00:01:00 -
Direction phrases 1
00:01:00 -
Direction phrases 2
00:02:00 -
Direction phrases 3
00:02:00 -
Getting around phrases – no text
00:02:00 -
Getting around phrases replay with text
Interest & Hobbies Vocabulary
00:03:00 -
Phrase test without text
00:01:00 -
Phrase test replay with text
Food and drink vocabulary
00:03:00 -
Food and drink vocabulary test
00:01:00 -
Food & drink phrase test – no text
00:01:00 -
Food and drink replay with text
American Sign Language Level-Handouts
Course Reviews
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