Course Description
Unit 1: Welcome to the Course00:05:00
Unit 2: Course Highlights00:03:00
Unit 3: Quick Activity00:02:00
Unit 1: What does Talent Management Mean00:06:00
Unit 2: Steps for Talent Management Process00:05:00
Unit 3: Meaning of Talent Acquisition00:06:00
Unit 4: 4 Tips to Hire the Best Employees00:06:00
Unit 5: Training & Developing Employees + Quick Tips00:05:00
Unit 6: Why Companies Spend Million Dollars in Training & Development00:04:00
Unit 7: Why Employee Retention is Important for a Company00:03:00
Unit 8: Employee Retention Techniques00:07:00
Unit 1: Why These Strategies Are So Useful00:01:00
Unit 2: 1st Retention Strategy00:06:00
Unit 3: 2nd Retention Strategy00:11:00
Unit 4: Quick Activity – Here’s How to Use It00:01:00
Unit 1: Section Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: How Google Takes Care of its Employees00:12:00
Unit 3: How Microsoft Retains it’s Employees00:06:00
Unit 4: Key Takeaway00:04:00
Unit 1: Offer Quick Incentives00:03:00
Unit 2: Show Career Growth00:02:00
Unit 3: Praising & Rewarding00:02:00
Unit 4: Make it Convenient00:03:00
Unit 5: Sponsor Education00:02:00
Unit 1: 3 Words to Retain Your Best Employees00:03:00
Unit 1: Conclusion00:01:00
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