Course Description
Would you like to know how learning German works? How to begin at level A1, which grammar needs to be learnt and how exercises might look like? Then try this German For Beginners – Level A1 (Part 1/5)!
This German For Beginners – Level A1 (Part 1/5) is designed to improve your language skills in a coordinated and systematic way, and additional courses, in which you can practice and strengthen your language skills and acquire knowledge of the country and its culture. The course will guide you through lectures which are clearly structured, building up on each other and versatile, including not only grammar explanations, but also a lot of video-guided exercises, vocabulary, additional information. You will learn trusted, everyday expressions and how to use and understand simple sentences. You will learn conjugate German regular verbs, conjugate the modal verbs, make simple sentences with a subject, a verb and an object, spell your name, present yourself and others, ask questions with and without question pronouns, know the German numbers, tell the time in German, understand and fill in simple forms, and much more.
What Will I Learn?
- conjugate German regular verbs
- conjugate the modal verbs
- make simple sentences with a subject, a verb and an object
- spell your name
- present yourself and others
- ask questions with and without question pronouns
- know the German numbers
- tell the time in German
- understand and fill in simple forms
Who is the target audience?
- Take this course if you would like to learn German step by step, if you want to learn it right, right from the beginning.
- Take this course if you are looking for versatile guided self-learning, a course that contains not only grammar, but also many, many exercises, vocabulary as well as information on Germany and its people.
- Do not take it if you are looking for a course that does not contain any grammar.
- Do not take the course if you just want to learn some sentences by heart without understanding the logic behind them.
- No previous knowledge of the German language required.
Das Alphabet – The alphabet
00:10:00 -
Erste Wörter – First words
00:07:00 -
Das Geschlecht – The gender
00:04:00 -
Terminologie (1)
00:01:00 -
Radiosender-Berlin (1)
Personalpronomen – Personal pronouns
00:05:00 -
Regelmäßige Verben – Regular verbs
00:07:00 -
Regelmäßige Verben (Übung) – Regular verbs (exercise)
00:08:00 -
Formell und informell – Formal and informal
00:06:00 -
Wie geht es dir? – How are you
00:04:00 -
Musik – Music (Echtzeit – Es geht mir gut)
00:01:00 -
Musik – Music (Echtzeit – Es geht mir gut)
00:04:00 -
Regelmäßige Verben (Übung) – Regular verbs (exercise)
00:11:00 -
Deklinationen (Der Nominativ) – Declensions (The nominative) 1
00:04:00 -
Deklinationen (Der Nominativ) – Declensions (The nominative) 2
00:04:00 -
Der Nominativ (Übung) – The nominative (exercise)
00:06:00 -
Der Nominativ (Übung) – The nominative (exercise)
00:05:00 -
Regelmäßige Verben (Übung) – Regular verbs (exercise)
00:03:00 -
00:01:00 -
Die Verben “sein” und “haben” – The verbs “to be” and “to have”
00:04:00 -
Fragen stellen – Asking questions15
00:08:00 -
00:01:00 -
Die Zahlen von 1 bis 10 – The numbers from 1 to 0
00:05:00 -
Extra Texte
Etwas gern machen – To like to do something
00:08:00 -
Personen vorstellen (Texte) – Presenting people (texts)
00:10:00 -
Personen vorstellen (Übung) – Presenting people (exercise)
00:14:00 -
Fragepronomen – Question pronouns
00:10:00 -
Musik – Music (Sesamstraße – Intro)
00:01:00 -
Personen vorstellen (Übung) – Presenting people (exercise)
00:08:00 -
Zahlen – Numbers
00:09:00 -
00:01:00 -
Wie spät ist es? – What time is it?
00:07:00 -
00:01:00 -
Vokabeltest (Regelmäßige Verben) – Vocabulary test (regular verbs)
00:06:00 -
Extra Texte
Fragen stellen (Übung) – Asking questions (exercise)
00:13:00 -
Der Nominativ (Übung) – The nominative (exercise)
00:11:00 -
Buchstabieren (Übung) – Spelling (exercise)
Fragen stellen (Übung) – Asking questions (exercise)
00:07:00 -
00:01:00 -
00:01:00 -
Musik – Music (2raumwohnung – Ich weiß, warum)
00:04:00 -
Modalverben – Modal verbs
00:09:00 -
00:01:00 -
Modalverb “müssen” (Übung) – Modal verb “müssen” (exercise)
00:04:00 -
Der Nominativ (Übung) – The nominative (exercise)
00:07:00 -
00:01:00 -
Fragen stellen (Übung) – Asking questions (exercise)
00:04:00 -
Der Akkusativ – The accusative
00:06:00 -
Nominativ & Akkusativ (Übung) – Nominative & accusative (exercise)
00:11:00 -
00:01:00 -
00:01:00 -
Course Reviews
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