Course Description
Conflict is an inevitable part of working life. And it’s not always bad.
But, often, it is. It can be stressful, harm productivity, spoil working relationships, and lead to damaging behaviors.
And, if you have any level of responsibility as a team leader, supervisor, or manager, fixing it may well be down to you.
So you need the tools to deal with conflict at work.
And this course will give you them.
More than that, you’ll learn how and why conflict arises, and how to minimize it before it takes hold.
Here are the main topics you’ll cover:
- The sources of conflict
- How to listen
- The effect of personalities on conflict
- The ways people resist imposed ideas
- The signs and stages of conflict escalation
- The steps for de-escalating conflict
- Strategies for resolving conflict
- Five ways to handle conflict
- How to recover a broken (workplace) relationship
Ongoing Project: Your Conflict Log
During the course, your project will be to keep and share aspects of your Conflict Log. You will create a record of your observations, successes, and struggles. Other students and your tutor will support you, endorse your successes, and help you with your questions.
Prior Experience
The only prior experience you need is daily life. If you’ve been a hermit or in long-term peaceful coexistence with all your fellow human beings, you won’t need this course.
However, the people who may find this most valuable are those who experience conflict in the workplace, and especially those in supervisory or management roles.
Your Tutor
Your tutor is Dr. Mike Clayton. As a senior manager at international consulting firm, Deloitte, Mike had to deal with conflict among staff, and with clients, and even among clients. But more important, as a senior representative of his firm and a program leader, he needed to avoid escalation of conflict.
Now, as a trainer and facilitator, he has been applying what he learned and teaching it to others. This course represents 15 years’ experience of what tools students find most helpful, and 25 years experience in business, managing conflicts large and small.
We have you covered
However, it’s not all been plain sailing. Three times in 25 years, Mike has had to use his own ‘Breakdown Routine’ to the breakdown of a professional relationship. Three times it worked. And managers and leaders he has coached have used it with equal success.
So, you see, we have you covered. This course will give you the tools to:
- Prevent conflict
- Reduce and reverse its escalation
- Handle full blown conflict
- and… recover from the effects of a conflict-induced relationship breakdown.
What Will I Learn?
- Recognize the signs of conflict early, so you have a chance to stop it
- Reduce the incidence of conflict, by listening well
- Understand how conflict escalates, so you can stay calm and stop the escalation
- De-escalate conflict, so you bring your relationship back to normal
- Resolve conflict, using a variety of strategies and tactics
- Develop your resistance to being drawn into conflict
Who is the target audience?
- Managers and supervisors at all levels
- No pre-requisites. If you’re in the world of work, or soon to enter it, you’re ready for this course.
Welcome to the Course Dealing
00:03:00 -
What are Conflict and Conflict Management?
The Rational and Irrational Sources of Conflict
00:03:00 -
The Effects of Respect on Conflict
00:04:00 -
How to Use Respect to Help Resolve Conflict
How Communication Works
00:05:00 -
How we Listen: The Four Listening Levels
00:05:00 -
How to Listen Well
How Personality Types Conflict
00:02:00 -
How Specific Personalities Clash at Work
00:04:00 -
How to Avoid Personality Clash
Resistance: It’s Not Conflict… yet.
00:02:00 -
The Onion Model of Resistance
00:07:00 -
The Signs of Conflict Escalation
The Strategies for Handling Conflict
00:06:00 -
Conflict De-escalation Process
00:03:00 -
Conflict Handling Modes – The Thomas-Kilmann Model
00:02:00 -
The Five Thomas-Kilmann Modes
00:06:00 -
Getting Help from a Third Party
00:05:00 -
How to Recover from a Broken (Professional) Relationship
Good Conflict and Bad Conflict
00:04:00 -
The Secret to Avoiding Conflict
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