Course Description
If you own a dog or cat and are looking forward to improve the quality of life of the animals in their care, by feeding them an appropriate raw food diet then this Animal Care: Dog Whispering and Pet Nutrition will be the perfect choice for you.
The Animal Care: Dog Whispering and Pet Nutrition will build up skills and form a stronger connection with your companion. The course helps you understand food labelling, how much and when to feed, and not forgetting our smaller furry (and scaly) friends as we pick a path through the maze of pet nutrition. You will also develop helpful tips on how to source, store and handle raw foods safely, along with learning how to dramatically cut your animals lifetime pet care bills, saving your time, stress and money.
What Will I Learn?
- Advance your Natural Dog Whispering skills so you can form a better bond with your companion animal.
- Improve your knowledge about where domesticated animals have come from and what the main problems they face in society today so you can be better equipped to help them lead longer happier lives in your care.
- Grasp why it is important to feed domesticated animals their species appropriate diet so their overall health and well-being is being cared for in the best possible way.
- Expand your pet nutrition knowledge, so you can identify which ingredients get left out of processed pet foods and why these can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies which can lead to poor health and behaviour problems.
- Know which two most vital steps to take BEFORE switching an animal onto its species appropriate diet so it makes the smoothest transition possible.
- Boost your confidence about how to introduce raw foods, including raw bones, so you avoid many of the mistakes novice raw feeders often make.
- Master your raw feeding skills so you know which raw foods are safe to eat and which ones you are to avoid which may cause further digestion issues within your animal.
- Feel confident about knowing how to monitor the changes the animal will go through on its new diet and how to troubleshoot any problems if they arise.
- Progress your knowledge so you know which supplements are necessary to ensure that the animal’s digestive system works correctly and how they can help to detox harsh toxins or poisons from their system in a safe and effective manner.
- Acquire helpful tips on how to source, store and handle raw foods safely, along with learning how to dramatically cut your animals lifetime pet care bills, saving you time, stress and money.
- No special requirements and suitable for anyone with a pet, considering a pet or interested in pets
Who is the target audience?
- This training course is suitable for both dog and cat owners, Rescue Shelter Staff, Dog Breeders, Dog Trainers & Dog Behaviourists, who are looking to improve the quality of life of the animals in their care, by feeding them a species appropriate raw food diet.
Introduction to the Course
Course Overview
00:13:00 -
Dog Whispering
00:06:00 -
Natural Dog Whispering
Understanding the Canine Species
00:25:00 -
Global Problems
The History of Pet Food
00:08:00 -
The Pet Food Industry
00:06:00 -
Main Ingredients of Pet Food
00:11:00 -
The Effect of Processed Pet Food
00:08:00 -
Switching Onto a Raw Diet
00:02:00 -
Cleanse and Detox
00:03:00 -
Raw Meaty Bones
00:05:00 -
Natural Pet Vitality
00:10:00 -
Fulvic Acid
00:10:00 -
Pet Food summary
00:03:00 -
Food RMB Diet Lottie
00:06:00 -
Dog Poo
First Two Weeks
00:08:00 -
Three Weeks Onward
00:08:00 -
RMB Other Factors
00:03:00 -
00:04:00 -
Dental Care
00:05:00 -
Cost Savings
Case Study – The Story of Bella Part1
00:10:00 -
Case Study – The Story of Bella Part2
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