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What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. While one is in hypnosis or trance, the conscious mind becomes quiet, allowing access to the highly suggestible subconscious mind. Research has shown electrical changes in the brain during hypnosis, where the brain waves become slower than when one is in the normal waking state. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation with focused concentration in which relaxed brainwave states of alpha, theta, and delta can be reached. We naturally go into hypnosis when we daydream or watch television without distraction. There are varying degrees of hypnosis; some people go deeply and some go lightly. Most people are right in the middle. One misconception is that people who are hypnotized are unconscious. This is false. While in hypnosis, one maintains control and awareness. Hypnotherapists use hypnosis as a tool to assist those who desire positive transformation in their lives.

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