

If you have a personal computer, you have probably already used the software for word processing, to solve problems, or set up spreadsheets. We thought maybe you would be curious about how programmers write the software you have used.

A Program– is a set of instructions that tell the computer, step by step, how to perform the tasks you command it to and produce the results you have in mind. There are three great reasons for learning computer programming:

  • Programming will help you understand computers. A computer is a tool, and if you learn how to write simple programs, you will also learn how the computer works.
  • After writing a few simple programs your confidence level will increase. There is a personal satisfaction in creating a program that will solve a problem.
  • Learning basic programming will show you whether you like programming and possess an analytical mind, which is needed in computer programming. If it should become apparent that programming is not your cup of tea, you will find that an understanding of the programming process will increase your knowledge of the computer and your appreciation for the tasks that programmers and computers can perform.

Computer programming is a set of rules that tell a computer what operations the user needs it to perform, this is a programming language. There are many computer languages and they are listed later in this ebook.


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