
It Takes Team Effort!

The best way to reach any goal is with teamwork.  When each person knows that he has a stake in a project, it increases his willingness and motivation to contribute to it.  He wants to give it his very best.  These concepts are as true for health and safety in the workplace as they are for any other kind of project.  

One reason for this is every person wants to feel as if he is contributing something worthwhile to the overall good of his company.  When each person participates in increasing and maintaining the health and safety of the workplace, it is much more likely to be a long-term success.

A second reason is that it can be quite unfair to expect one or two people to cover everything.  Even if they are fully qualified, it can cut into their time and give them much more work to do.

While you are reading these tips about health and safety in the workplace, the best way to begin is to apply team effort to each concept.  If you know that specific people have special abilities or talents, those people can be assigned to tasks which make the most of those abilities and talents.

Making sure that no one is left out is the best way to gain cooperation.  When each person sees rules and duties as factors which are not imposed upon him, but as factors which he is a part of, disagreements and noncompliance will be minimized.  Many unnecessary hassles can be reduced and even eliminated by ensuring that every employee is a part of the plan.

Regardless of each person’s role in the workplace, team effort should be all-inclusive.  Not only will it be a healthier and safer environment in which to work, but each person will take pride in the results.  As is the case with virtually every other aspect of a thriving company, applying the principle of teamwork to developing good health and safety practices is the most positive way to reach your goal.

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