
Setting Up Your List Building Machine

For years, marketers used the “FBML” application to capture leads, build mailing lists and funnel fan page visitors into their marketing funnel. However, last summer Facebook announced that the FBML application would be phased out, encouraging developers to create iFrame based applications.
With iFrames, you will be able to create HTML pages that feature your opt-in box, giveaway or incentives! Plus, you will be able to create a “fan gate”, where people who wish to gain access to special content or downloads must ‘like’ your page before being directed to your offer!

Here’s how to set up your fan gate:
Step 1:  Add the Static HTML Application To Your Fan page
Visit:  http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=190322544333196  and click on “Add To My Page” as shown below:
You’ve now added the HTML iFrame application to your Fan page, and it’s time to set up your “reveal tab” so that those visiting your page must click “like” before gaining access to your free giveaway or offer.
Start by visiting your Fan page and click on the “Welcome” link in the left-hand sidebar panel. You will be able to create 2 different text boxes, one that appears before someone “likes” your page, and the second box that appears after they have clicked on the “like” button.
If you aren’t familiar with HTML, you can simply type in your message directly into the text boxes on the app page, or if you are able to use Frontpage, Dreamweaver or another HTML editing program, you could create your HTML text boxes in there, copy the code from the “Source View” and then paste it into the text boxes on your Fan Page.

Here is an example of a simple HTML ‘before and after” fan system, where those visiting my Fan Page are invited to click the “like” button in order to download a free report on Facebook List Building.
There are a few things to keep in mind in order to increase the number of “likes” to your page:

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