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Legal Requirements


As in every business entity, there are always some legal issues that require consideration and adherence. Therefore in the effort to ensure the childcare establishment is legal on all fronts, there is a need to ensure the relevant aspects have been designed according to the laws set.

The Laws

The following are some of the areas that are usually addressed by its legal requirements and adherence:

Child supervision – there are strict rules in place when it comes to the ratio provided for under the law for the child to adult safety issues.

Legally an individual that is 16 years or older can act as a caregiver in a child care environment, however, the prime caregiver should be of a legal adult age which is 18 years.

As it clearly stipulates that no child is to be left alone at any given time, there is also a need to ensure the adequate amount of caregivers are available with the corresponding children at the centre.

Nutrition – there are also laws governing the foods that are required to be served at such establishments. The foods have to cover all nutritional groups and have to be hygienically prepared at all times.

Proper work areas for the food preparations have to be in place supported by the necessary equipment.

Child abuse – one of the highest priority concerns of the prospective parent is the element of child treatment that may constitute abuse.

The parents would be keen on finding out the various disciplinary actions that the centre uses to keep the children under control. If these measures are found to be within the guidelines provided for by law, then there would be no cause for concern related to the child abuse issue.

Safety concerns – here to there is always a set of laws that strictly govern this area. These laws would cover all aspects of the centre from the legitimacy of the childcare staff to the legitimacy of the building structure.

These are usually periodically inspected by the relevant governing bodies.

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