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Elizabeth has been accepted to four different universities and is having problems choosing which one she prefers. The decision is made even more difficult because Elizabeth is just 15 years old.

Michael took his SAT test last Saturday. He scored 1560 out of 1600 including a perfect 800 in math. He’s looking forward to finishing his schooling as he will be attending Harvard in the fall.

George has been invited to his local college to compete for five scholarships they are awarding amounting to full tuition for four years – about $100,000 each. The scholarships are awarded based on academic ability and the competition is stiff every year.  He’s expected to finish first and have his schooling paid for.

What do all of these children have in common?  All have been homeschooled.

At one time, homeschooling was associated only with religious and political choices in an attempt to stand up to the government-regulated public school system. Today, however, more and more children are being homeschooled for a variety of reasons.

It’s difficult to obtain accurate statistics on this phenomenon, but advocates estimate that as many as 1.5 million children are receiving their education at home with their parents as their teachers. The Federal Education Department estimated the total 10 years ago in the 750,000 range and will be revising their numbers to better reflect this new wave in schooling.

Why do people homeschool? There are a variety of reasons. Many choose to do so for religious reasons. Others are frustrated with the quality of their child’s education and feel they can do much better. The rise in school violence is also a reason some homeschooling parents give for wanting their children educated at home.

Whatever the reason, studies show that homeschooled children are, in general, getting a better education as is reflected in test scores throughout the country.

Homeschooling is also a controversial subject. Opponents feel like children who are schooled at home lack the social skills of peers their age. They feel these kids are missing out on an important aspect of education that leaves them ill-prepared for the real world when they are put back into the educational system in college.

In this book, we’ll look at homeschooling from a professional standpoint as a valid option for providing your child with the best education you can. Homeschooling is more than just giving your child a book and telling them to read it.

There are tried and true techniques as well as materials that will ensure you are doing the right things when you decide to educate your child at home.  We’ve gathered some of the best information we can find for you and give you some excellent sources and suggestions for ways to make your child’s experience exciting and beneficial.

Welcome to Professor Home School!

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