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Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point (HACCP)

What is HACCP?

A method of ensuring food safety by examining every step in a food operation, identifying those steps critical to food safety and implementing effective control and monitoring procedures at these steps.

HACCP is a preventative system that gives a high level of food safety assurance and is considered to be the best approach to producing safe food and thus preventing food-borne illness.

Need for HACCP

The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 require food businesses to ensure:

  • All operations are carried out in a hygienic way.
  • The “Rules of Hygiene” are complied with.

All food safety hazards are identified and effectively controlled, by :

  • Analysing the identified food safety hazards.
  • Deciding which hazards are critical to food safety (i.e. critical points).
  • Identifying and implementing effective hazard controls.
  • Monitoring procedures at the critical points.
  • Reviewing the above period and when necessary.

Pre-requisites for HACCP

These must be in place in order to support a HACCP system. The University encompasses all these within its Good Hygiene Practice guidance, documentation and records which are detailed in the Food Safety Manual.

Principles of HACCP

  1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis: A process flow diagram is needed, detailing the steps in the operation. Hazards must be identified at each stage, together with the significance of the risks presented and measures for control.
  1. Determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs): Establish the points where controls are critical to food safety.
  1. Establish Critical Limits: At the CCPs, a measurable critical limit describes the difference between what is safe and what is not.
  1. Establish a system to monitor control of the CCPs: Monitoring actions, frequency and responsibility should be specified.
  1. Establish corrective action for when a CCP is not under control: Include actions to bring the process back under control and deal with products affected by the loss of control.
  1. Establish procedures for verification to confirm HACCP is working: Develop and maintain procedures to keep HACCP system working.
  1. Establish documentation and records: Records must be kept to demonstrate the HACCP system is working under control and corrective action is taken for any breached critical limits.

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