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Concepts of Web Traffic – Why Internet Marketing Cannot Do without It


The most common term used when speaking about any Internet marketing topic is ‘traffic’. Here’s what it really means and what kind of traffic you must actually be looking for.

Concepts of Web Traffic – Why Internet Marketing Cannot Do without It

One of the most important terms that you will repeatedly come across when you are dealing with Internet marketing is „traffic‟. Basically, it means the number of visitors that arrive at a particular site. When a website says that it has the traffic of a million per month, then it means that a million people visit that particular website each month.

But then there are some things that you should understand as an Internet marketer. We consider some of these aspects here:-

  1. Traffic, per se, is not useful to the Internet marketer. It is the unique traffic that counts. You might have the traffic of a hundred thousand, but if 90% of them are your regular visitors,  then you haven‟t  gained anything new. In that case, your meaningful traffic that spells your progress is just the 10% of new people that you have obtained.
  2. Again, the people that click on your website link are hard of any use to you. For making your business a success, you need these people to take some specific action. You need them to download an eBook, subscribe on your website or pay and buy a product, etc. Simple surfers don‟t do much for your website.

Hot and Cold Traffic

The concept of hot and cold traffic will soon become very important to you. Simply put, people who just arrive on your website and go away doing nothing are cold traffic. It is no use to you. On the other hand, the people who come on your website and take some action that you want them to take constitute hot traffic. Needless to say, it is hot traffic that you should be striving for.

The cold traffic is that which you have achieved from simple untargeted methods such as Google searches. These people have probably got your website when they were looking for a particular keyword on Google. They did not have any inclination to visit your website particularly, it just turned up. They visited your website without any expectation. You should not expect them to take any action either. The conversion rate of these people is very low.

Hot traffic comes on your website through some targeted methods. They might have arrived because of some of your efforts such as blogging or article marketing which we shall discuss later. Naturally, these are the people who mean the most for you in terms of business prospects. They come to your website with some expectation, so you can hope for some business from them too.

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