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How Acupuncture Can Decrease Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain


Explained the most basic way, is that acupuncture uses an examination style that takes the pulse for diagnosis purposes; then the trained practitioner will be able to determine the balance of the twelve meridians and its working percentage.

Clear Up The Pain

There are various areas that acupuncture has been proven to be able to provide relief to when this style of treatment is sought. Most neck and shoulder problems are caused by muscle tension and stiffness.

These conditions are mostly caused by the regular routine of most office-bound workers who tend to be in a sitting position for the most part of a working day.

Couple this with the strain the eyes are put through when working on a computer is what causes these muscle tensions. Other reasons for these tense muscles are stress and tiredness.

Acupuncture addresses this problem by locating the important acupoints nearest to the problem area, which in this case is the  “fuchi” point at the top of the neck, just below the hairline. This is the area that mostly affects the neck muscles.

As for the shoulder muscles, the problem areas are found to be in the large muscle between the neck and the shoulder joint and the muscles between the shoulder blades. Acupuncture needles are then applied to these points to relieve the stiffness and increase local tissue circulation and induce additional relaxation responses. The better circulation eases the general tension in the area, thus eradication the discomfort originally felt.

To address back pain issues, the acupuncture practitioner will first examine the pulse of the individual in order to determine the condition of meridian points

Then the larger nerve in the lumbar spine, the sciatic nerve is addressed. Needles may not always be inserted into the perceived area of the pain.

These needles can sometimes be placed around the lower back area while actually avoiding the meridian points. The blood flow is then normalized to ease the tension caused by the muscle strain.

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