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Course Overview

Course Overview

This one-day course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to conduct internal environmental audits. Practical, proven techniques for planning, conducting, and reporting on internal environmental audits will be introduced. Role-plays and case studies based on actual audits will be used to reinforce the concepts and provide participants with practice in applying the principles to situations typically encountered during internal auditing.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the different types of audits and the levels of auditing available.
  • Know the qualifications of auditors and the preparation that they need to conduct an audit.
  • Understand the basics steps in an audit and how auditors gather information and evidence.
  • Develop open-ended questions which will help in audit interviews.
  • Understand the essential aspects of an audit checklist.
  • Develop an audit checklist based on Environmental Management System (EMS) procedures.
  • Prepare for an audit.  
  • Use an Internal Audit Noncompliance and Corrective Action Report to record non-conformances.
  • Understand the corrective action process and its importance in closing out non-conformances.
  • Gain experience in conducting audit closing meeting.
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