Course Description
Do you think that UI Designers use Photoshop in the same way as other Designers?
Do you know what are the basic concepts, settings and tools UI Designers know and you don’t?
So if you want to learn UI Design with Photoshop and upgrade your confidence and Skill levels in Photoshop; this course is for YOU. This course is equally good for Beginners and Experts so don’t worry if you haven’t used Photoshop before.
Most of us don’t know the basic settings, shortcuts, tools and extension we need in Photoshop to become a UI Designer, we make same mistakes and keep on wasting time online searching for different settings and answers to common UI Design issues and problems.
What Will I Learn?
- Start your Career as UI Designer
- Learn the settings necessary for UI Design Process
- Learn all the Basic tools of Photoshop for UI Design
- Start using Photoshop with solid foundation in UI Design
- Learn all the Photoshop Shortcuts for UI Design
- How to use Photoshop Extensions to speed up UI Desing Process
- Tips and Techniques for Efficient usage of Photoshop for UI Design
- Learn how to use Custom Scripts in Photoshop for UI Design
- Learn about Color schemes and Typography Online tools
- Learn how to use Gradients and Patterns in UI Design
- Create Wireframes and learn the tools needed to create them
- Learn how to design MODERN DASHBOARD graphs and elements
- Learn how to design MODERN HERO/HEADERS of Websites
Who is the target audience?
- Novice/Beginner Level Designers
- Web Designer
- Graphic Designer
- Web Developers who wants to learn UI Design
- UI Designer who wants more advaced techniques
- Passion to become a UI Designer
- Minimum Photoshop CC or Latest version of Photoshop
1.1) Upload And Review Your Work-1
2.2) Setting up Photoshop CC Preferences
00:06:00 -
2.3) Color Profile Settings for ui design
00:05:00 -
2.5) Creating Custom Shortcut Keys
00:04:00 -
2.6) Installing scripts in Photoshop
00:06:00 -
2.8) What area Photoshop Extensions
00:07:00 -
2.9) Power of Photoshop Extensions
00:09:00 -
2.10) How to install Extension in mac and win update
2.5-1 Color Calibration
00:08:00 -
2.5-2 Monitor You Need-1
00:02:00 -
2.5 – 3 OS Based clor Calibration
00.Customize Toolbar
00:04:00 - Photoshop interface works
00:05:00 -
02.creating photoshop new document
00:04:00 -
03.what are artboards
00:06:00 -
04.Layers Panel Part 1
00:06:00 -
05.Layer Panel Filtering And Finding Part 2
00:06:00 -
07.Type tool
00:05:00 -
08.Character Panel
00:07:00 -
09.Paragraph Panel
00:04:00 -
10.New Shape Tool
00:08:00 -
12.Deep dive in Pen Tool
00:16:00 -
12.selections april2017 New
00:07:00 -
13.pen tool in web design
00:04:00 -
00:06:00 -
00:15:00 -
00:02:00 -
17.exercise clipping mask
00:01:00 -
18.Layer Masks HB
00:05:00 -
00:08:00 -
20.linked smart objects_Revised
00:07:00 -
21.Layer comps usage
00:06:00 -
22 Using Smart Guides In Photoshop-1
00:04:00 -
00:02:00 -
3.stroke effect
00:03:00 -
4. Re-using layer styles
00:02:00 -
00:04:00 -
00:05:00 - to use gradient editor
00:08:00 -
1.what are patterns
00:02:00 -
2. two methods of applying patterns
00:05:00 -
3.create Pattern From an Img File
00:03:00 -
04. using .pat files in photoshop
01. How light and shadow works in UI Design
00:01:00 -
2.examples of lightshadow
00:02:00 -
3.color schemes for beginners
00:02:00 -
4.getting scheme from logo and hsb
00:01:00 - tools for color schemes
00:06:00 - to choose fonts and typography
00:09:00 -
7.Using Grids for Web Design
00:06:00 -
8.Creating Grids In Photoshop
1.soft-shadow button challange
00:01:00 -
00:13:00 -
3.3d Button Challange
00:01:00 -
4.Pressed effect in Photoshop
00:07:00 -
5.modern pattern part 1
00:09:00 -
6.modern header design part 2
00:09:00 -
7.moder header design new variation
00:09:00 -
8.color overlay header
00:11:00 -
09 Gradienteffect Header Design-audiosynced
00:13:00 -
9.Actual Exercise Transparent Image Header-1
00:13:00 -
10.tabs intro
00:01:00 -
00:14:00 -
1.removing White Bg With Blending Options
00:03:00 -
2.Spot Healing brush usage
00:04:00 -
3.making Colors Pop in Photohsop
00:07:00 -
4.magnetic Lasso Tool to remove background
00:16:00 - And Mask Tool
1.Gathering Resources IOS App-Design
00:04:00 -
2.Lets Start The IOS App Design
00:05:00 -
3.Adding Images To Design the App design
00:06:00 -
4.Adding Text On App Screen
00:06:00 -
5.Adding Phone And Book Now Buttons
00:12:00 -
6.Using Mobile Mockups
00:04:00 -
UDEMY ONLY App Design Challane-exercise
1.area graph base design
00:04:00 -
2area graph grid
00:05:00 -
3.adding text to graph area
00:08:00 -
4.drwaing area graph with pen tool
00:04:00 -
5.designing extras adding dots and hover info
00:06:00 - Adjustments To Area Graph-1
00:10:00 -
8.area graph to line graph
00:04:00 -
9.circular bar graph base shape.mp4
00:06:00 -
10.adding Gradients And Shadows To Circular Graphs-1
00:13:00 -
11.designing stats with text
00:09:00 - Graph Design In Photoshop Pt
00:09:00 -
13.Bar Graph Adding Text
00:06:00 -
14.Student-request-ciruclar-percentage graph
1.what Are Wirefreams
2.Tools Used For Wireframes
dribbble redesig part 1
00:15:00 -
dribble shot part 2
1.Base Of Login Form
00:07:00 -
2.Form Fields Design
00:12:00 -
3.Finishing Form Design
Converting psd to CSS
00:07:00 -
Exporting Images from Photoshop
00:07:00 -
Tips on Using Grids
3.Match Fonts Cc2015.5-1
00:03:00 -
Cc2018 Update-1
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