Course Description
Have you been watching auction programs online and fancied having a go at it yourself? Do you want to be a property investor who finds great bargains at auction? Join the course tutor on this course to discover what it takes, auction secrets, how to find good deals and how to successfully prepare for the auction day.
On this course, we cover:
- How to prepare and what to expect when buying property at auction
- The different types of auction buyers
- Going to view property
- Arranging finance
- Improving your credit rating
- Solicitors and legal packs
- On the auction day
- The Bidding process
- The Completion timeframe
- Case studies – real life
This is a practical course and will be helpful if you are new to buying at auction and want more guidance. The tutor is online most days to answer all questions promptly.
Who is the target audience?
- Students who want to be property investors in auction
What Will I Learn?
- Buy a property in a UK auction
- You should be keen to buy at auction
Introduction to the course and your tutor00:10:00
Novice vs pro00:12:00
Benefits of buying at auction00:04:00
3 Types of buyers00:07:00
Going to view00:14:00
Improve credit00:09:00
Raising funds00:08:00
Legal packs00:08:00
Small print00:07:00
On the day00:11:00
Bidding process00:11:00
Cant make it on the day00:06:00
Post auction00:04:00
A Case Study00:14:00
Introduction to one of the worst months of my life00:12:00
Warning signs00:14:00
28 day countdown00:11:00
14 days till completion00:07:00
7 day countdown00:08:00
Completion day00:07:00
Post Completion00:10:00
Key learning points00:11:00
Financials – show me the money00:08:00
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