Course Description
Believe it or not, German is a language that is in several ways easy to learn than English. In fact, for the English speakers, German is often surprisingly easy to master. Enrolling in this course can help you learn German in a few simple steps in a very little time.
The focus of this innovative and exciting German for Beginners – Level A1 (Part 2/5) course is to provide you with practical and useful advanced techniques, along with a solid base of grammatical and structural knowledge, and further education through demonstrating video lessons including distinct practices.
You’ll learn how to use irregular verbs, prepositions and catchwords which helps you quickly understand the questions and respond in German.
Upon completion of this course, you can understand and use simple everyday phrases and idioms and basic expressions in German.
What Will I Learn?
- use the nominative and the accusative cases
- use the negation with “nicht” and “kein”
- use subordinate sentences with “weil” and “dass”
- know some irregular verbs
- correctly use time indications in sentences
- know the colors in German
- use German when shopping
- talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner
- Ideally, you should already have completed part one of the course. This is not a requirement if you are familiar with the nominative and the accusative cases, the conjugation of regular verbs, the modal verbs and asking questions. You should already know how to present yourself.
Who is the target audience?
- Take this course if you would like to learn German step by step, if you want to learn it right, right from the beginning.
- Take this course if you are looking for versatile guided self-learning, a course that contains not only grammar, but also many, many exercises, vocabulary as well as information on Germany and its people.
- Take it, if you are looking for a fun, interactive course.
- Do not take it if you are looking for a course that does not contain any grammar.
- Do not take the course if you just want to learn some sentences by heart without understanding the logic behind them.
Sich vorstellen
00:05:00 -
00:04:00 -
Deklinationen Nominativ, Akkusativ Wiederholung
00:11:00 -
Deklinationen Nominativ Und Akkusativ Übung 1
00:05:00 -
können Freizeitaktivitäten
00:08:00 -
Unregelmäßige Verben
00:06:00 -
Ich und Ich Ich fürchte mich
Modalverben möchten
00:06:00 -
Modalverben können
00:07:00 -
Essen und trinken Dialog
00:08:00 -
Essen und trinken Vokabeln
00:06:00 -
00:02:00 -
Plural feminin
Modalverben Wiederholung Übung
00:10:00 -
Verneinung kein
00:16:00 -
Westernhagen – Keine Zeit ( Offizielles Video )
00:04:00 -
Marius Müller Westernhagen Keine Zeit
00:05:00 -
Zeitangaben 02b
Texte Mein Frühstück 02a
00:09:00 -
Zeitangaben 03
00:05:00 -
Essen und trinken – 021
00:09:00 -
Helge Schneider – Käsebrot
00:03:00 -
Helge Schneider Käsebrot
00:05:00 -
Vokabeln Braten Kochen
00:05:00 -
Modalverben Wiederholung
Obst Teil 1
00:09:00 -
Vokabeln Obst
00:05:00 -
Dass, Weil Modalverben
00:10:00 -
In der Bäckerei
00:05:00 -
mögen, Gern
Deklinationen Nom Akk Übersetzungen
00:04:00 -
Vokabeln Obst
00:02:00 -
Extra Te…t Einkaufen
00:04:00 -
00:04:00 -
00:02:00 -
Fragen stellen Fragepronomen finden 3
00:07:00 -
Unregelmäßige Verben 02
00:07:00 -
Verneinung kein Übung Teil 2
00:05:00 -
Benjamin Blümchen [Intro | Ger]
Vokabeln Gemüse.mp4
00:02:00 -
Verneinung kein Übung Teil 1
00:08:00 -
Verneinung nicht 04
00:08:00 -
Verneinung Übung 02
00:08:00 -
Was machst du
Extra Te…Geschwister
00:05:00 -
weil Fragen und Antworten
00:08:00 -
Verneinung nicht und kein
00:09:00 -
Der Kopf
00:07:00 -
Gesicht beschreiben
00:06:00 -
Körperteile 2
00:05:00 -
Bettina Wegner – Kinder
00:02:00 -
Bettina-…Egner Kinder
00:05:00 -
Verneinung nicht oder kein Übung 02
00:07:00 -
00:08:00 -
Unregelmäßige Verben 03
00:06:00 -
Deklinationen Wiederholung
00:06:00 -
Kleidung – Shoppen gehen
00:08:00 -
00:04:00 -
Grün grün grün sind alle meine Kleider – Kinderlieder Klassiker zum Mitsingen || Kinderlieder
00:03:00 -
Kinderlieder Grün-ja Grün Sind Alle Meine Kleider
00:05:00 -
Deklinationen Nominativ, Akkusativ Plural
Course Reviews
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