Course Description
First of all how long will it take you to multiply 10005 and 10008?
Even if you are using calculator, pressing the keys will take you a few seconds although you might be very quick with the calculator.
But with Vedic Math you can do this within 2 seconds orally.
10005 × 10008 = 100130040
You won’t believe I can write the answer of this problem as soon as I have a first look at it.
Wondering How? So that’s the beauty of Vedic Math.
It’s not because I know Math and I’m very fast with it, everybody can do this. It’s simple Vedic Math.
In fact you can do bigger numbers also orally like the below example
1000004 × 1000005=1000009000020
If you try calculating the above problem on your calculator it will show you 1.000009e12, we know that it’s not the full answer.
What you’ll learn
- You will be able to perform calculations many many times faster without the help of calculators.
- Most of the Calculations are happening in your memory so you will be able to perform Math operations without the help of pen and paper.
- These tricks, improve your visual skills of doing Math power and activate your left and right brain.
- You will be able to develop more concentration abilities that decreases the chance of errors in calculations.
- These Math tricks are amazing and learning is full of fun and just by watching video lectures three or four times,these tricks will become part of your calculations.
- These mental Math tricks eradicates fear and phobia of Math, brings out hidden potential in you and improves overall academic performance.
- Knowledge of mathematics up to fifth grade
- Knowledge of the Times Tables up to 9
00:02:00 -
How to take up this course
Fastest method to add single digit numbers
00:07:00 -
Fastest method to add two digit numbers
00:04:00 -
Fastest method to add any digit numbers
00:07:00 -
Addition by grouping to ten’s method single digit numbers
00:04:00 -
Addition by grouping to ten’s method two digit numbers
00:06:00 -
Addition by grouping to ten’s method three digit numbers
Left to right addition Part 1
00:12:00 -
Left to right addition Part 2
00:05:00 -
Left to right addition Part 3
00:13:00 -
Downloadable resources – 1
Left to Right Subtraction Part 1
00:09:00 -
Left to Right Subtraction Part 2
00:10:00 -
Left to Right Subtraction Part 3
00:10:00 -
Left to Right Subtraction Using Nikhilam Sutra
Multiplying any digit number by 11,22,33 etc
Finding remainder when a number of any digits is divided by 9
Multiplying any digit number by series of 9; 99 ; 999 ; 99999 etc
00:08:00 -
Multiplying any digit number by series of 9; 99 ; 999 ; 99999 Part 2
00:07:00 -
Multiplying any digit number by series of 9; 99 ; 999 ; 99999 Part 3
Product of two numbers below the base number 100; 1000 etc
00:08:00 -
Multiplication of Numbers above the base 1000; 10000; 100000 etc
00:08:00 -
Multiplication of numbers one above the base and second less than the base
Multiplying any digit number by 5, 25, and 125 faster than calculator
Multiplying any two digit numbers using Vertically and Crosswise
00:04:00 -
Multiplying three digit numbers using Vertically and Crosswise
00:05:00 -
Multiplying four digit numbers using Vertically and Crosswise
00:08:00 -
Multiplying different digit numbers using Vertically and Crosswise
Division by 9 in 2 seconds 1223
00:05:00 -
Division by 9 continues……
00:06:00 -
Division by Nikhiliam Sutra in single line in 2 seconds
Straight Division by Vedic Math
00:09:00 -
Division by two-digit number
00:07:00 -
Division by three-digit number
00:07:00 -
Division – when answers are decimals
00:12:00 -
Division by three or four digit numbers
00:09:00 -
Straight Division – Two special problems
Squaring numbers that end in 5 using Vedic Math
00:04:00 -
Squaring two digit numbers mentally Using Vedic Math technique
00:06:00 -
Squaring three digit numbers mentally Using Vedic Math technique
Finding cube of any two-digit number faster than calculator
Approximation method of finding square root of numbers which are perfect squares
00:12:00 -
Approximate value of square root of numbers which are not perfect squares
00:09:00 -
Approximation method of finding cube root of numbers which are perfect squares
00:03:00 -
Approximate value of cube root of numbers which are not perfect cubes
Short tricks to count Number of Squares in given figure
00:05:00 -
Short tricks to count Number of Rectangles in given figure
00:03:00 -
Short tricks to count Number of triangles in given figure
Finding Day of the week when any date is given in 2 Seconds mentally
Digital sum of a number
00:04:00 -
Digital sum- Addition and Subtraction
00:10:00 -
Digital sums- Multiplication
00:07:00 -
Digital sum- divisions
Simplification short tricks for complicated fractions
00:10:00 -
Simplification short tricks for fractions series part 1
00:07:00 -
Simplification short tricks for fractions series part 2
00:05:00 -
Simplification short tricks for complicated square root problems
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