Course Description
Are you dreaming of creating your own business? But you have responsibilities, commitments, maybe financial ones and family ones…not so easy to just “make the jump” like every entrepreneur says right?
Well this course offers an alternative, based on my own story I am sharing a roadmap of how you can progressively create your own business while keeping your current job, and therefore consistently secure the level of financial security that you need to keep you current level of comfort.
There is work, there are sacrifices needed, but this course is about guiding you from A to B with 1 single thought in mind: IT IS POSSIBLE!
What you’ll learn
- They will follow a structured roadmap on how to transition from where they are to becoming an entrepreneur
- They will get the feeling of certainty that this change is possible
- They will know how they can already prepare their future life while continuing to be employed
- They will get also prepare themselves psychologically for this change of life
- They will be able to go back to the course videos to get extra motivation during hard times
- They will learn about the instructors personal story and best lessons learnt and tips
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who is wishing to change his/her career and become an entrepreneur
Step1 Finance00:06:00
Step 1 recommendations and tips00:06:00
Step 2 Psychology00:05:00
Step 2 recommendations and tips00:08:00
Step 3 your client00:05:00
Step 3 additional tips and reccomendations00:02:00
Step 4 Shape your Business00:08:00
STEP 5 Sharpen your business model00:07:00
STEP 6 Network and Connect00:10:00
Step 7 Test your model publicly00:09:00
Step 8 Fine-tune your business00:07:00
Resources – Becoming an Entrepreneur
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